The Lord Is In this Place!

Genesis 28:16. When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it”.

This pandemic has closed us down – staying at home, closing businesses and even restaurants. It has closed our churches and then is only allowing limited participation. Most recreational places have been shut tight and they are saying schools may only be open for a limited number of days. Loved ones are in hospitals with no visitors and wearing a mask has become a normal wardrobe accessory.

To me, it feels like we have been put to sleep and after a while, many do not want to awaken for fear of what they will see. There is so much talk of election interference, the One World Order and a vaccine that can change our DNA. But today, it’s like I woke from this sleep and nightmare and realized we are not alone. We, as Christians are not alone. The lord Himself is in this place – He is here. Yes, I knew He was here, but I was not really aware of His presence until today! He let me know He is here and wants me to share this with you!

Do not be frightened or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Yes, the words we hear and the videos we have been sent to watch are frightening – but He reminds us He is here! We need not be afraid of a virus or of men! For God, our God is with us even through this crazy time. And we all can rest assured that God is here. Knowing His Word – the sword of the Spirit, will give us more truth than any of those videos or reports out there!

So, rest assured brothers and sisters – Let us awaken from our sleep and know the Lord is in this place!

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