Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.  Psalm 133:1

Who does not enjoy sharing time with a friend or two?  To me, everything and anything can be much more fun when you share it with a friend!

Today, however, I see so many people sharing this time with their phones or computers.  They may be with a friend but both have their heads glued to the screens of their phones!  I remember going to breakfast with my family; there were about six of us together. I look up, and realized we were all staring at our phone screens! From that moment on, I made a rule that phones were not allowed at the table.

People today have more in common with their phones than they do their friends.  Many would rather spend time playing games or looking at social media instead of sharing a moment with a friend. We miss out on so much when we neglect our relationships.  A few days ago, I made a promise to the Father – I would put my phone down during the day and when I am with family and friends.  I would listen to them – hear their hearts, their joys, their sorrows and share a bit of laughter.  I would then recall that time later and realize just how precious it has been spending time with them!

 I challenge each one of you to make that same promise!  Spend some quality time with those you love.  Try and meet someone new this week and get to know them – away from screens.  And see how good and pleasant life is with a friend once again!

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