About Me


My name is Margi – I am a wife, a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 7, and a Christian  working as a teaching Pastor in our small church.  I am also what some may call a type A personality, constantly on the go an staying as busy as I can!

Life to me is fun and beautiful, but I have learned in the past 10 years to “Be Still“.  One day my daughter came to me and announced she was given a word for me from the Lord.  The word was Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God.  This verse has stayed with me and taken me to new heights with Jesus.

At first, He would have me focus on one small word in the verse.  One time it was just the word “still“.  This “still” has led me to many truths and understandings in Christ.  After awhile, the word “Be” was brought to my heart.  And so the “Be Still” life has gripped me.

Through this blog, I would like to share this adventure with you.  I pray that you will be as encouraged in your faith as I have been.  The gift of encouragement has always been a passion with me, mainly because I have been so encouraged at times in my walk!

Please if you like, introduce yourself and let’s walk together!                                               Loving this Be Still life, Margi