Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.  Psalm 133:1

Who does not enjoy sharing time with a friend or two?  To me, everything and anything can be much more fun when you share it with a friend!

Today, however, I see so many people sharing this time with their phones or computers.  They may be with a friend but both have their heads glued to the screens of their phones!  I remember going to breakfast with my family; there were about six of us together. I look up, and realized we were all staring at our phone screens! From that moment on, I made a rule that phones were not allowed at the table.

People today have more in common with their phones than they do their friends.  Many would rather spend time playing games or looking at social media instead of sharing a moment with a friend. We miss out on so much when we neglect our relationships.  A few days ago, I made a promise to the Father – I would put my phone down during the day and when I am with family and friends.  I would listen to them – hear their hearts, their joys, their sorrows and share a bit of laughter.  I would then recall that time later and realize just how precious it has been spending time with them!

 I challenge each one of you to make that same promise!  Spend some quality time with those you love.  Try and meet someone new this week and get to know them – away from screens.  And see how good and pleasant life is with a friend once again!

He is Here!!!

Genesis 28:16. When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it”.

This pandemic has closed us down – staying at home, closing businesses and even restaurants. It has closed our churches and then is only allowing limited participation. Most recreational places have been shut tight and they are saying schools may only be open for a limited number of days. Loved ones are in hospitals with no visitors and wearing a mask has become a normal wardrobe accessory.

To me, it feels like we have been put to sleep and after a while, many do not want to awaken for fear of what they will see. There is so much talk of election interference, the One World Order and a vaccine that can change our DNA. But today, it’s like I woke from this sleep and nightmare and realized we are not alone. We, as Christians are not alone. The lord Himself is in this place – He is here. Yes, I knew He was here, but I was not really aware of His presence until today! He let me know He is here and wants me to share this with you!

Do not be frightened or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Yes, the words we hear and the videos we have been sent to watch are frightening – but He reminds us He is here! We need not be afraid of a virus or of men! For God, our God is with us even through this crazy time. And we all can rest assured that God is here. Knowing His Word – the sword of the Spirit, will give us more truth than any of those videos or reports out there!

So, rest assured brothers and sisters – Let us awaken from our sleep and know the Lord is in this place!

The Lord Is In this Place!

Genesis 28:16. When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it”.

This pandemic has closed us down – staying at home, closing businesses and even restaurants. It has closed our churches and then is only allowing limited participation. Most recreational places have been shut tight and they are saying schools may only be open for a limited number of days. Loved ones are in hospitals with no visitors and wearing a mask has become a normal wardrobe accessory.

To me, it feels like we have been put to sleep and after a while, many do not want to awaken for fear of what they will see. There is so much talk of election interference, the One World Order and a vaccine that can change our DNA. But today, it’s like I woke from this sleep and nightmare and realized we are not alone. We, as Christians are not alone. The lord Himself is in this place – He is here. Yes, I knew He was here, but I was not really aware of His presence until today! He let me know He is here and wants me to share this with you!

Do not be frightened or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Yes, the words we hear and the videos we have been sent to watch are frightening – but He reminds us He is here! We need not be afraid of a virus or of men! For God, our God is with us even through this crazy time. And we all can rest assured that God is here. Knowing His Word – the sword of the Spirit, will give us more truth than any of those videos or reports out there!

So, rest assured brothers and sisters – Let us awaken from our sleep and know the Lord is in this place!

A People of Praise!

Isaiah 43:20-21 I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

This word in Isaiah 43:21 was given to Glory back in 1984 when we became a people – a people of praise coming together to celebrate and worship the Lord together. This verse gave us our first name, God’s People of Praise Community. You see we wanted to be more than just a Sunday church. We wanted this to be our life together, to share His goodness and to grow together as family! And so, we decided to call ourselves a Community – a community of believers who wanted to experience more of God and the life He provides.

God’s People of Praise Community took us far – we were enjoying life with the Father and with each other. Along the way, however, many who came and received from us would decide to leave and find a church because that is what we are told to do. We then realized how important it was for this Community to become a church and so we did – Glory Christian Fellowship in the year 2000. We are still God’s people of praise for that is what He made us, a people to praise Him. And our new name, Glory came out of the name God’s People of Praise Community. Pastor Dave had noticed that by writing the name a certain way you would find the letters GLORY.

We will always be God’s people, a people of Praise, and we will always come together as family. We have learned from His Word He is calling all believers into this family!

Praying Bold Prayers!

So let us come boldly to the throne of grace with confidence. Hebrews 4:16

Most of us do not pray what I would call bold prayers. Yes, there are a few like, “Please God, I need help.” All too often though, our prayers are not bold. As a matter of fact, I would call them small and timid. Many times, I have found myself, saying, “Father, if you would please. It sounds like I do not want to bother Him with my life.

So this week, I have started a list of prayers for this 2020.
1. My first prayer is a list of people I know not saved. These are precious people and some of them are loving, and very giving people – just not believers. In fact, one couple will tell you they are atheists and love to argue this point. But I’m believing God for the very right words for their heart to hear and receive.
2. I am asking the Lord for growth, refreshment and renewal at Glory. In fact, I am believing for Revival here – right here in our own backyard. Will you believe with me?
3. I have special people on a prayer list who need great healing – a miracle in fact. One is Carl-Fredrick, our Swedish children’s son who was in a terrible accident and has brain damage. I’m believing he will come through 100% healed!
4. My Bible went missing at church about 3 weeks ago and I’m believing for its safe return.
These are just a few of my bold prayers for this new decade. What about yours? Remember, God is the answer to what your heart cries out for. He can and wants to act on our behalf. And, miracles have never been a problem with our Heavenly Father! Remember: Come Boldly to the throne of grace and see Him move mountains!

The Christmas Gift!

The Christmas Gift

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

The Christmas Season is a gift. It is a gift of love from the Father who is Himself love. For God so loved that He gave His one and only son for you and for me.

The Christmas Season is a gift of joy. Think of times with family and friends. Think of traditions and familiar foods, and think of the presents given and received. The Christmas Season surrounds us with these sounds, touches and smells of joy!

The Christmas Season is a gift of light. Think of the trees so bright and cheerful and the neighborhood sparkling lights for all to see. And think of the light that has come into our lives and given for us to share.

The Christmas Season is a gift of salvation. Jesus has come into this world for each one of us – for you and me so we can celebrate life everlasting with our heavenly Father!

So, before we open any of those shiny packages under the tree, remember the one gift that brings love, joy, light and salvation. Think of Jesus – for He is the Everlasting Gift that gives and keeps on giving!

And So I Choose!

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. Galatians 5:22,23

I awake at 5am. The house is still and quiet. The sun has yet to rise and so I can sit with my coffee and pray. But soon the day will begin with a sunrise and many choices to make. And so, I seek the Lord and His Holy Spirit to help me make those right choices. So, my day will begin with the love of God – and I will walk in that love. I will find ways today to love my family and the friends He has given me.

And from there I will choose joy – the joy of the Lord after all is all the strength I need to make it throughout this day. I choose peace – a peace that brings hope and life and fulfillment. I will be patient with those around me and give as much kindness as I can.

I choose the goodness of God for His goodness will surround and bring testimony of true life. I choose faithfulness – I will be there always for my family, especially my children and grandchildren and husband. I will keep promises I have made and will send hope to the hopeless.

And I will choose self-control – a self-control only the Holy Spirit can bring forth. I will forever use Him to help me make those right decisions and will not fail to carry them out. And every one of these decisions are only made possible because of the goodness and love and faithfulness and kindness of the Lord and His Holy Spirit.

And so, I choose Him – I choose Christ – for He has given me a new life to live – and a love to share this new dawn!

God is Faithful!

Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, it will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38

Have you ever felt guilty for having so much in this world? I sometimes do I must admit. We live in a nice home, drive a nice car and have more than enough nice clothes to wear. Did you catch the word nice here? Everything I have is more than nice! We always have food on the table and something to share. And this is just a very small percentage of what God has given our family!

Yes, I know God is faithful. And I also know that I am to give and keep on giving. And this has me wondering – Lord, do I give enough? My heart aches for people – for children who do not have decent clothing to wear or the school supplies they need. I ache for parents who struggle to keep food on the table and cannot buy gifts at Christmas or birthdays for their children.

But again, God is faithful. And He will direct my heart to clear out those stuffed closets. He will stir my heart to give what I can and should be giving. I am grateful for everything I have and for such a faithful God. And I am thankful that He fills my heart with compassion and a spirit of generosity for His people.

Yet, there are those days my heart still aches for others, but I know God will use what He has given our family for His good and the good of His people! It calls me to continue giving. To Him be the Glory!

Where are we today?

Isaiah 7:9. If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.

Lately, I have been asking myself, where am I now?  How have I grown and have I learned the lessons God has given me?  Is my faith as strong as it should be and am I standing strong and courageous in my faith?

 I have always been a pretty bold person, at least I thought so.  I can share Jesus just about anywhere – in a grocery store with people walking past me who may need help, in the mall when I see someone hurting, and yes, with friends and family members.

 Recently however, I have seen persecution hit the church.  Oh, it comes in small waves and tries to disguise itself as sincere and concerned – or it comes in a huge blast of criticism over our Christian beliefs in such things as sexuality and our stand on abortion.  And in these moments, I have even caught myself remaining quiet and just letting them scream their words.  Where was I at that moment Lord?  Why did I not speak up?  Oh yes, I don’t want to offend or lose a friendship.  Maybe if I pray for them, they might come around to what is truth.

 But then God reminds me of my role in this life.  My role is that of a daughter – a daughter of the King Most High!  I am to stand in the role of life He has given me!  His word is truth and the only truth and I am to stand firm in that truth!

 He tells me to stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13).  He tells me if I do not stand firm in my faith, I will not stand at all.

 So, today, I stand.  And tomorrow I will stand – and I will remind those around me of truth and righteousness.  I will take up my sword of faith and the breastplate of righteousness and yes, I will stand!

 So today my friends, stand with me.  Stand in the truth He has given us and the only truth that will last forever.  Let us together stand firm and see His victory in our lives!

My Philippians 4:8 Morning

It’s early Thursday morning and everyone is still asleep. The coffee is brewing, the sun has yet to come up, and my day will be a busy one. I grab a pen and notebook and write down my agenda for the day and, it starts with something I do not want to do. My reason? I lost something I wanted to share with the church family on Sunday. Maybe I could blame it on my grandkids or even the company I had that day.

But at that very moment, I knew I should be in the Word and prayer. So, I opened my Bible and this verse stood out so very clear! “finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is anything excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things.”

And so, the Lord Himself was telling me I had a choice. My choice was righteousness, and honor and doing and sharing only truth, (or I could use the blame game). And then my heart again smiled! I knew it would be okay with the Lord and all concerned. I would think truth, I would think honor and what was right.

We will all face mornings like this. Life will not always give us easy choices. But God’s word will teach, and help us follow Him and His Holy Spirit! It can be hard and sometimes even messy, but God will always show us the way. For He tells us: I Am the way, the truth, the life!